
Grant Description:

CBF Florida churches can now submit applications for Community Development Grants for a project in their own community designed to alleviate poverty within one of the following categories: education, housing and environment, health and nutrition, or social enterprise. One church per year can receive a community development grant. Grant applications are due by March 1 of each year. See the grant requirements and application below.

Requirements and Qualifications for the Grant:

  • Applying churches must be a participating member of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Florida and the Caribbean Islands. Church Membership in CBF Florida is determined by whether the congregation is a contributing CBF Florida church.

  • Applicants must submit a request below to CBF Florida explaining how their community will be enhanced through the community development grant, if received. All projects for which grants are being applied must fall into one the following categories: education, housing and environment, health and nutrition, or social enterprise. Grant applications are due on March 1.

  • Applicants must provide the phone numbers and email addresses of any contacts within institutions/organizations who are partnering in the community development project. We LOVE to see churches partnering with other organizations within their community!


Grant Application:
